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Privacy Statement GreenRock

GreenRock processes personal data. Our aim is to provide you with clear and transparent information about this subject. This privacy statement answers the most important questions about how GreenRock processes personal data.

1.1 - What are personal data?

Personal data is information relating to you personally. This could be your name, address and date of birth. Personal data is defined as information that can be linked to you directly or when combined with other information. For example, your address, phone number or e-mail address. But also, for example, your first name together with your date of birth. Photos and videos are also considered to be personal data.

1.2 - Whose personal data does GreenRock process?

GreenRock processes the personal data of people with whom we directly or indirectly have, would like to have or have had a relationship. For example, data from:

  • People interested in GreenRock products and services
  • People who are connected to a company or organisation with whom we have, would like to have or have had a relationship

1.3 - Who is responsible for processing my personal data?

All organisational units of GreenRock process personal data within the administrative application of GreenRock and the related applications such as the participant/request tracking system. GreenRock processes your personal data and is responsible for it.

1.4 - Why does GreenRock process personal data?

We can use your contact details to properly register you as a participant and/or provide the services you have requested. Data may also be used for promotional or marketing purposes. Would you like to stop being contacted by GreenRock? You can do so by unsubscribing at the end of the mail in question. You can also call or email us, and we will take care of the unsubscribing.

1.5 - Does GreenRock also process special personal data?

Sensitive personal data include, for example, health, criminal history or ethnic data. We only process sensitive personal data if we are required to do so by law, with your consent or if you ask us to do so. In this latter case, we will only process such data if it is necessary for the provision of our services. GreenRock actively monitors whether data that is not legally allowed to be stored is being recorded.

1.6 - How does GreenRock treat my personal data?

Your personal data will be stored securely and for no longer than is necessary for normal use in our business processes.

1.7 - Who can access my personal data?

Employees who have to execute transactions or tasks on your behalf and who have to keep you informed can access your personal data. The administration and the system administrators can also access your personal data. This is done to the extent necessary for the operation of our business processes.

1.8 - How long will my data be stored?

Data related to your agreement are kept in limited form after you unsubscribe so that statistical information such as user numbers over the years can continue to be accurately compiled. In addition, laws and regulations require data to be retained for a certain period (7 years). The retention of this data is subject to the statutory regulations. GreenRock is bound by the applicable laws and regulations when processing personal data. A maximum period of 1 year applies for other data.

1.9 - Can I see what personal data GreenRock is processing concerning me?

Yes, GreenRock can give you full access to the data that has been processed for you.

1.10 - Where can I go with a question or complaint?

For questions or complaints about the processing of personal data by GreenRock, please contact GreenRock via

1.11 - OPT-OUT

If we send you unsolicited information, you can indicate that you no longer wish to receive this information.

1.12 - Privacy policy changes

GreenRock reserves the right to make changes to this privacy policy. It is advisable to consult this privacy policy for the use of GreenRock’s services to stay informed of any changes. You can also save or consult this privacy policy.